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March 11, 2002 - Monday

Rainy day.

Today was a pretty bad day. In the morning I was supposed to have a Japanese lesson so I went to my apartment to tidy it up. Unfortunately I hadn't eaten and as usual got incredibly nasty. Fumihiko and I had a big fight and I shooed him out of the apartment.

Then, my teacher didn't come. I wasn't too impressed.

I tried to call Fumihiko many times but he didn't answer his phone. I was worried that he did something crazy or that he had left his phone somewhere.

Around 5:00 I decided to go out. I went to a temple near my apartment then I walked to a grocery store to get some food. When I was in the store I checked my phone and he had called me and left a message. I nearly started crying there and then.

I called him from outside the store and then I went home to meet him. We were both very remorseful and made up. Then, we came home and ate supper.

We're off to Disney Sea tomorrow. I hope we have a good trip. There won't be any updates for a few days. Don't worry. We'll be fine!


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