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March 27, 2002 - Wednesday

Rainy at first, clear and colder later.

Today is my fifth anniversary of arriving in Japan. Wahoo! What did I do to celebrate? Nothing. I forgot until I was on my way home!!!

I cycled to work this morning, even though it was horrible and raining cats and dogs. I made it in plenty of time, so I could relax at the office.

I had a surprise visitor today, one of my ex-students came for a visit. It was so nice to see her, but I couldn't talk to her because I was quite busy.

I didn't have as many classes as I should have, as someone didn't show up. I was a little glad as I had lots of paperwork to do.

I went out for lunch today too. I took one of my novels for learners along and read that. It was pretty good and made me want to read the real thing.

I stayed late tonight doing some photocopying and then biked home. I stopped to buy some tea, so I didn't get home until after 11. My poor husband waited for me to arrive home before he ate supper. What a sweetie.

And that's it. Short, but my day was too busy to be eventful!

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