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March 26, 2002 - Tuesday

A beautiful clear day and night too. Quite warm too.

I got up this morning around 9, checked my email and then left for work. I actually left before I had to, somewhere around 10:30. I didn't know what conditions the road would be in, nor if there was any construction along the way (there was). The ride was quite nice and I made good time. I bought breakfast along the way and got to work just after 11.

Work was fine today except I was a bit busy. I tallied my teaching hours this week and if everyone comes I'll be very close to my personal limit. I don't like that!

Classes seemed to go quite well today and I had a good time in most of them.

I stayed a bit late tonight to try to prepare for tomorrow's lessons and to do my paperwork! Yuck. It never stops. Fumihiko offered to come and get me so I didn't have to bike, but I refused. I'll save my free ride home for an evening when it's raining and miserable! He tried to persuade me by telling me that it was -10 degrees outside, but I just laughed.

When I got home I ate a huge supper that Fumihiko and his Mum had cooked for me. It was good, but really it was too much. Oh well.

And that's my day. Tomorrow I'll be really busy. Poor me. Poor, poor me.

Night night.

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