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May 6, 2002 - Monday

Warm and sunny day, glorious...not too hot.

Well, I must apologize for leaving you in the lurch. Due to circumstances that I don't want to go into here, I couldn't update on May 2nd, and Fumihiko and I left quite on May 3rd for our holiday. Bridget Jones might call it a mini-break, and that's sort of what it was.

Today started out in Sendai. We stayed in a hotel in downtown Sendai and slept in. We've been staying up late and getting up fairly early these days, so it was a nice change! We checked out of the hotel, found a parking place and then went shopping!

I spent a lot of money. I bought 3 cds, but actually, one is a double set and one has 6 cds, so I guess I actually bought 11. Wow! I also bought a lot of books, some for school, but also for


I got the new Sue Grafton, Dick Francis (not so new, but I didn't read it yet), PD James and Elizabeth George. I also got some great magazines. Hurray for me!

Along the way I got myself some more socks at the Muji store and we had Keitenzushi (revolving sushi). It was a pretty good day.

Fumihiko is a bit tired, he did a lot of driving these last few days, so I think he's really glad to be home. I am too, mostly. Except, I have to go back to work tomorrow. Sigh.

That's it.

Night night!

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