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May 8, 2002 - Wednesday

Cold and rainy.

I woke up late this morning. It was raining very hard so I asked Fumihiko to drive me to the apartment. We both woke up a bit late and I had to run to get ready.

At the apartment I started to read my new British Cosmo and I did some laundry. Of course, I played The Bouncer too. That was rather fun!

Work was okay today. I had 6 classes and they all seemed to go well. I enjoyed them anyway.

During my lunch hour I went to Jusco's restaurant and took one of my new novels. It's starting out quite well, but I don't have a lot of hope for it. The author always has great ideas, but doesn't follow through on them.

After work I did my paperwork and then I called Fumihiko who came and picked me up.

A pretty good day, except I didn't get a lot of exercise. No power walking in the rain. Sigh.

Oh well. That's it. Night night!

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