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May 15, 2002 - Wednesday

Sunny and clear day.

My apologies for missing yesterday's entry. I got a phone call at 9:30 from my husband, asking me to spend the night at the apartment, with him of course, as he had to go to work early this morning.

Yesterday was a good day, I did a power walk and had a good, if sad day at work. Two of my classes didn't show up. Nothing was wrong, just busy and forgetful people!

For supper Fumihiko and I went to Jiro, the restaurant near my old apartment. It was nice to go there again, and the food was good too. He liked it, so I was happy!

We played The Bouncer when we got back to the apartment and I won the game again. Ya hoo!

This morning he had to leave early so I made coffee for him and sat with him while he got dressed for work. Then I went back to bed and had a difficult time dragging myself out later. I was more tired than I thought.

Work was fine today. I didn't have any private lessons scheduled for today so I got a lot of things done. It is counselling time again and I started that, and got myself sorted out for it all.

I went out for lunch and while I was there I saw my husband's niece. I'm a little embarrassed to say this but I didn't recognize her, and the fact that she didn't speak English to me didn't help. Hmm. Maybe I should try to teach her some English? No!

I also finished my Dick Francis novel "Shattered" today. It was great. I did guess the secret villain, but it was still great. I couldn't put it down.

And that's about it. I don't have too much else to say, so I won't say anything! Night night....

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