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May 29, 2002 - Wednesday

A sunny warm day.

I had a pretty quiet morning. I got up early and wrote my entry for yesterday, and read a bit. I also answered and sent some email.

I left for work on time and had a good ride there. I made most of the lights too, so I was even a bit early.

Work was fine today, except a double class didn't come. I was looking for things to do, so I worked on a collage that I'm making. I'm asking my students to make a collage about themselves, so I probably should do one too. It was fun, but darn hard work finding pictures for the project.

My classes that did come went well and I think fun was had by all of my students!

I rode home, watched the news and ate with Fumihiko and will take a bath soon. That's really it. I had a good day.

Night night!

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