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May 30, 2002 - Thursday

Muggy and finally rainy.

Today was an okay day. For some reason I felt really out of sorts and quite cranky for a long time. Classes went well, but something happened in the school that I didn't like. One of my old students called and invited the staff to go out after work. The manager told the other teachers about it, in Japanese, in front of me. I half understood, so I was a bit insulted that I wasn't included. About 3 hours later, she told me, in English.

As the invitation wasn't given to me early enough I couldn't go, I would have had to give my husband and mother in law some notice of course.

The World Cup Soccer starts tomorrow. Japan is expecting to be invaded by hooligans. I'm not sure why they think that. It's darn expensive to get to Japan, do hooligans have that much money? I dunno. I sort of worry that the Japanese Police will go totally overboard and arrest people without cause...despite what my husband says, it does happen. Sigh.

So, today was okay, but I just have a real uneasy feeling going on. I hope it's because of the weather, which at the moment is thundering and getting more and more ominous all the time. Anyway, I should get off the computer because I don't want to get struck!


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