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November 2, 2002 - Saturday

Windy and a bit cold.

I had a good day today. We went out for breakfast this morning to Gusto. It was good, but I ate too much.

Work today was fine. My last class was especially good. I gave them a project to do, making a newsletter, and it was darn good. I was very proud of them.

We've made plans with Jonathan, the teacher from Sakata school to have lunch tomorrow. I think it will be fun.

At home tonight we ate supper and then when I came upstairs I discovered that Fumihiko has done some cleaning up here. It's okay, it's mostly his stuff so I don't mind. He even managed to clear off most of the couch. It looks nice up here, well, in his part anyway!

And really that's it. I don't have a lot to say... Night night!

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