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November 1, 2002 - Friday

Rainy and cold again. Sigh.

A pretty good day, if a bit boring. I only had 3 classes today.I was supposed to have another one, but the student wasn't doing well, so stayed home.

However, some good news was that the last class I have is quite large now so I moved to Aki's classroom and we had a lot of fun. I kept the students moving and asking questions so I think it was good practice for them.

I did a lot of prep and after school did some paperwork while I waited for my husband to call me. He didn't but he showed up at the school instead. It seems that he had tried to call me, but couldn't get through. Something about my classroom!

Anyway, we came home, ate supper and watched the tail end of Babe...ha ha, is that a pun? I love that movie.

Now, I'm trying to get my computer stuff done so we can have an early night for a change.

The weather is getting much much colder nowadays and I'm sitting here with the heater going full blast. It helps but actually I'm still cold. I don't know exactly why Japanese houses are so badly made, but I don't like it. Give me a well made Canadian house any day!

Night night.

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