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November 5, 2002 - Tuesday

Rainy and thundery tonight.

Hey, it was 2 years ago today that I actually agreed to marry Fumihiko. I thought he was nuts for asking me so fast, but he says he never had any doubts that we would get married. Lucky him! I had lots of doubts and worries.

Today was the day of the cold. I blew my nose a lot all day. That is, when I could. I couldn't breathe for a lot of the day and sometimes even swallowing caused huge problems. Chiefly, my face squeaked! I didn't believe it either!

After work today my friend Keiko picked me up and she drove us to M's Dining where I ate steak and some veggies. It was delicious. And, get this, she was the first person to notice that I had lost weight! Hurray. I haven't seen her for months so I guess that's why she noticed.

Anyway, we had a great visit and then Fumihiko joined us as he was hungry, then we broke up the party around midnight. It was nice.

Please remember, no update tomorrow as I'm off to the apartment. Night night!

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