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November 7, 2002 - Thursday

Clear and sunny, but cold.

I spent last night at the apartment and had a good time. I didn't do much, but I just cooked my dinner, relaxed, watched tv and took a long hot bath while I read my book.

This morning I slept in until 9 ish...what a treat! I finished my book, Dean Koontz's latest one, One Door Away From Heaven. It was darn good, but as always I feel a little disappointed at the end of it. I really liked the characters and I wanted more to happen.

I also cooked my lunch today, shrimp and eggplant, and made breakfast.

I left for work a touch later than usual, but got there on time anyway.

Classes went quite well today. I didn't have that many, but sometimes that's when they go badly as I over plan.

I got done early tonight and called Fumihiko to pick me up. We gave Hitomi a ride home and then went to our house. We ate supper and then did the dishes. It was nice.

And that's it. My day. It was great.

Night night.

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