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November 8, 2002 - Friday

Rainy and cold all day.

I had a great day today. I wasn't very busy at work, just enough so I had lots to do, but I didn't go crazy or anything. Yay.

Today it rained all of the day so it was a bit depressing. Tomorrow I'm told that we'll get snow. I am NOT looking forward to that!

Oh, hey, good news. I may go to Sendai or Niigata on Monday. I'm quite looking forward to it. I need to get Fumihiko's birthday present. I know what I want to get him, the problem is finding it for him!

I meant to share with you some of my deeper thoughts today, rather than just an itinerary of my day, but for the life of me I can't remember what they are. That's a bit scary!

Night night!

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