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November 13, 2002 - Wednesday

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have snow!
It was a pretty nice, if busy day. I had six classes today at work and they all went quite well. The students and the teacher were quite lively!

In the morning at the apartment I watched Ally McBeal. The show is not that great any more. It's very sad. I cooked lunch for today and tomorrow, and today's breakfast.

Tonight I did some tax forms at work, then Fumihiko came in and told me that I did them all wrong. Men. Can't they make the forms easier, or in English?

I came home and have been working on a letter to my friend ever since. I also discovered that my computer can talk! I'm astounded actually! Anyway, I have to go. Things to do you know. Sleeps to catch and all that! Night night.

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