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November 14, 2002 - Thursday

Snow, then rain, and generally a yucky day!

I had a good day today. I didn't sleep at the apartment this morning. I showered, and cooked breakfast. That was nice. The shower was wonderfully hot. I stayed in for a long time, and didn't want to get out.

Work was pretty good, except during my first class the fire alarm went off. I didn't know if I should stop my student and exit the building or not. In the end I decided to continue and hoped that my co-workers would call me if there was really a fire. Luckily there wasn't!

We decided to have our Christmas Party on December 15th, in Tsuruoka. I think it will be okay though. I don't know where we will have it though. We'd better decide soon though.

After work I came home and ate supper with my husband. That was nice! And that is pretty much my day. It was pretty good. Talk to you tomorrow!

Night night!

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