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November 18, 2002 - Monday

I had a rather nice day today, although it didn't start out that way. I couldn't sleep well last night. I tried, but I had drunk 2 glasses of strong iced coffee and I couldn't sleep. When I came downstairs I heard Fumihiko's Mum yelling at him so I just left the house. I don't know what was up exactly, and I didn't care.

When I got to the apartment I couldn't get the heater to work very well, so I froze for a while. However, I decided to vacuum the heater after a couple of hours and it improved immediately!I watched my TV programs and then I cooked breakfast and did laundry. I wrapped Fumihiko's birthday present too. Yay me.

I decided to go out and go to the mall early.I wanted to pick up some Christmas cards and see about some presents for my family. However, I couldn't find my schedule, so I didn't know when the bus was. I went out, via the bank to pay a bill and the post office to make a deposit, then I went to Jusco. A terribly sad thing happened on the way there though. My lovely Muji store umbrella blew out and broke. I knew it couldn't be fixed as the plastic was broken. It was very sad. I loved that umbrella. It was the perfect size to fit in my purse too.

I caught the bus to the mall, and to be honest I don't remember much of it! I slept all the way there. I really did

I talked to Fumihiko on the phone and he said that he'd be late so I did a bit of shopping. I bought some Christmas cards, and some ornaments. I also bought a few gifts for people. It was fun.

Fumihiko finally showed up and we decided to go back to Tsuruoka. We had to pick up some kerosene and rice for his mum and I wanted some groceries for the apartment. We took care of that, and then we went to a restaurant for dinner. We tried a new place for us, but not for me. It's called Cafe Framboise and it was really nice. We had steak, but they made a mistake and accidentally cooked more expensive filets for us!They didn't charge us extra, and offered to cook the other ones for us instead, but we took the ones they had already cooked. Yum yum. It was good.

Then we came home where I am working on my homepage and Fumihiko is trying to learn Mah Jong. I'm not sure why he is, but it's kind of funny!

And that was my day. I rather enjoyed myself, although I didn't do everything that I wanted. Back to work tomorrow. Sigh!

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