November 17, 2002 - Sunday

Clear and sunny, not too cold.

I had a great day today. I went to bed really, really late! I read a book in bed until almost 4 am then went to sleep. In the morning Fumihiko and I slept in very late and didn't really get up until almost 11:30! We went out for breakfast, although by that point I guess you could say that it was brunch!

We went to a French restaurant in Amarume and had a lovely meal. It wasn't great for my diet, but I compensated for that by making Fumihiko eat all of the bad stuff.

After that, we went to Tsuruoka so I could get my hair cut, but sadly the hairdresser's was closed. Instead we shopped at the hundred yen shop. I got a lot of wrapping paper and wrapping bags. Christmas, and a certain husband's birthday are both coming up.

When we finished there we went to Mikawa Jusco and played games in the Amusement center. We pooled 1000 yen each and bought 150 medals. We ended up playing for about 3 and a half hours without buying more, so I think we did quite well. I got a bit bored at the end and went off and had a cold tea because I was quite tired of game playing.

Fumihiko finally finished his coins too and then we went to Jusco. I bought one of my Christmas presents there and checked out the price of some small suitcases. Because I always buy a ton of clothes in Canada I usually have to get an additional suitcase to bring them all back with me. I've been lucky in the past, people have given me suitcases, but this time I'd like to be prepared.

We were both starving by this time as it was 7:30 pm and we hadn't eaten for hours. We headed back to Tsuruoka and after a lot of discussion went to Edoichi, the buffet place. It was good, but we both ate too much.

We came home and Fumihiko got out a photo of himself in his police uniform when he was 19. I got out a photo from my university graduation at 25 and he put it in a frame. We have decided to display them in our room, so eventually they'll go up on the wall, but for now they are on the top of my bookcase. It's nice to have something up from our pasts. Now if I can just convince every one that we should put up some of our wedding photos, I'd be a happy woman.

That's about it for tonight. Not much else happened, but Fumihiko and I had a great day and we enjoyed our day off together. Isn't that the way it should be? Night night!

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