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November 21, 2002 - Thursday

Not a terribly busy day today. I had only four classes. I was supposed to do a level check too, but it was cancelled. Classes went quite well, and even the last class that sometimes drags a bit went well.

I was terribly tired this morning. I went to the apartment before 7:30, that meant I got up around 6:45. Yikes that was hard. Still, when I got to the apartment I took a long nap, and had a difficult time waking up.

I cooked breakfast, and watched an episode of Star Trek, the new one with Scott Bakula. I really like the show. I think it's interesting, and the captain is a babe!

After work tonight I went out with my friend Keiko. We went to Coco's Restaurant and had a meal together. That was really nice, having some girl talk too. She also gave me a lead on a person who might teach me Japanese. That would be great, if it happens. Keiko brought me home around 11:30 and Gombei barked the house down. I guess he was happy to see me!

I however was happy to see my Cosmopolitan had arrived today. It looks like heck, the corners are all dog eared, but it hasn't been taken out of the wrapper. It's so late! Almost a month late.

Well, that's my day today. It was a good one and I really enjoyed myself today. I hope tomorrow is a good one too. Plus, Saturday is a holiday, so it will feel better tomorrow! Night-night.

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