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November 26, 2002 - Tuesday

A bit of rain, and then some cloud. Not cold.

Last night when I was posting my entry, or just before I did, I got a nice surprise. My darling husband had gone downstairs. I thought he had taken a bath, but actually he was hungry and made himself some ramen. I can't eat that, so he made me an omelet and made some mushrooms in butter for me too. It was such a sweet thing for him to do, and it was very unexpected. It was good, although he was worried about putting too much salt in the omelet. Hey, never look an omelet in the eye, I always say!

This morning I went to the apartment and instead of taking a nap, I got busy.I took out some garbage bags, did two loads of laundry, cooked lunch and breakfast and took a shower. I'm glad actually because I really wanted not to take a nap.

Work was okay today. I had a new class start so I was a bit busy, and a lot of absent students. It makes me feel a little sad when people don't show up. I know work is pressing many people these days. I was supposed to have 6 classes today, but only 5 came. And out of those, only one class had the number of people in it that were supposed to show up.

After work, I had a chat with the manager about managing some of my classes and schedule. Always difficult thing. When Fumihiko called me I wasn't ready yet, so I called him back a few minutes later. When he picked me up, he asked me where we should go to eat. His Mum made stew, which I can't really eat. Instead, we went to Coco's Restaurant. I had a chicken burger, minus the sauce, with salad and drink bar. They actually have two kinds of herb tea there, so I can drink as much of that as I want. Boy, 10 years ago, I would have laughed at the thought of me drinking herb teas! The burger was really good, and so was the tea.

We came home and I said hello to the dog. He was actually happy to see me! I can't believe it sometimes. Anyway, that's about all I have time for tonight. Talk to you tomorrow night? Night all!

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