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November 27, 2002 - Wednesday

Rainy and windy all day

Today was quite nice, even though the weather wasn't. I had a nap at the apartment in the morning and I had some trouble waking up. I managed, and even cooked my lunch, breakfast and watched the rest of Star Trek. Things were good!

At work I was remarkably unbusy! None of my private students had booked today, so I did a lot of planning. I did have a busy evening though. And, surprisingly, my child student came by himself. He lives close by and walked to my school. The manager walked him home after class, thank goodness. I was petrified that he would get lost or have an accident.

After class tonight I did my paperwork and then Fumihiko came and got me. He told me that we should go out for dinner and I suggested Benkei, my favourite izakaya. He said okay, so I invited my manager too. She said she would join us in a little bit, so we went to Benkei. I ate a lot. I had lots of yakitori, eggplant, salad and tofu. Yum. Naomi did join us, so we had a nice chat.

We came home, where I played a game on my computer. It's a new one that I downloaded last night. It is actually free, and it's very enjoyable. It's called Jewel Toy. It's very easy to learn, but not that easy to play! I like that actually.

And that is pretty much my day. It was good, but not great. Gotta go, night night!

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