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November 25, 2002 - Monday

A rainy miserable sort of day.

Last night I didn't update my page. I'm sorry, but I went out of town with my husband for the evening. We both had the day off and we wanted to have a relaxing evening. So, off we went! Of course Fumihiko's Mum wasn't too happy with us, but actually, neither of us cared.

This morning we got up late, bliss! And went to Sakata for our late Brunch. We had steak at a nice restaurant in Sakata, then I went Christmas Present shopping. I got some stuff, but not a lot. Although, this year, I think I'm almost done as I don't want to get too much.

We went to Tsuruoka to do some banking and then for me to buy some traveller's cheques. I couldn't believe the stupidity of the guy in the post office though. I went up to him and asked for traveller's cheques. He looked straight at my husband and asked him what I wanted. That's not just stupid, it's bloody rude too. It turns out that they didn't even have Canadian traveller's cheques in the denominations that I wanted, they only had twenties. Good grief. Luckily, Fumihiko was there or I'd have bopped the guy on the nose. He was stupid. If I'd been that dumb when I worked for the bank I'd have been fired. I do know what denominations they come in. Argh! I can't believe his rudeness and his dumbness!

After that, we went to the mall where yes, once again, we played coin games. It was actually fun as I didn't stick to the one game. I did quite well for a bit, but lost all of my coins. Poor me! Actually though, before we went to the arcade we ate supper at the really good yakiniku restaurant. Yum yum.

I bought some groceries at the mall and we dropped them off at my apartment, then we visited Hachimonjiya, the book store. I was looking for a calender for a relative. I found one, but the days aren't marked in English. I hope she doesn't mind too much. Then, we came home

At home I found that I had received two pieces of mail. One of them was a letter from the Canadian Embassy warning me to be cautious whenever I'm out and about. Yikes. I've never received that kind of letter before. A warning about terrorism. Scary! The other piece was interesting too. It was from my friend and ex-manager Taeko. She's going to get married and she was inviting me to her wedding. Well, not just me, but my husband too. Of course, we're going to go! I'm so happy for her. She sounds a bit overwhelmed, but I totally understand that! Been there, done that!And that, pretty much was my day. I'm a bit sorry that I have to go back to work tomorrow! I had such a great time today!

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