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October 1, 2002 - Tuesday

Rainy and then that a word?

An okay day.

Fumihiko had to get up early to go to work. I got up with him and then went straight back to bed. I had volunteered to cook something for his breakfast,but he turned me down. Hurray!

When I got up in a couple of hours I made my own breakfast and it was darn good. I even made part of my lunch before work. Yum.

Work was fine, I did an interview which I hope pans out, and taught my classes. Classes were pretty much okay, but there is a lot of absenteeism right now.

I had to stay late and do paperwork after work. Sigh. It's evaluation time again. I never do as well as I hope. Oh well.

And that's it. I came home to eat supper and write my entries. There's a typhoon coming and my husband tells me that it will come soon. It looks pretty serious. I hope it misses us.

So, I hope to be able to write to you tomorrow. Until then....night folks.

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