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September 30, 2002 - Monday

Dreary and dull day, not much rain though.

I had a great day. I went to the apartment when Fumihiko left and I did a lot, of nothing! I finished my book, I watched the weekend's TV and I cooked breakfast. I wrote a bunch of postcards and started a new book. I even went out in the afternoon and bought a couple of DVD's, Charade for Fumihiko and Ladyhawke for me. Yay me!

I really enjoyed myself. Poor Fumihiko had to work late so he couldn't enjoy himself so much. Luckily though he felt much better.

Fumihiko came by in the evening and he took me back to our house for supper. It was nice, a burger and some veggies. After I gave his Mum a hand with the dishes we grabbed some stuff and left for the apartment. Fumihiko had to work really early on Tuesday so I asked if we could sleep at the apartment.

We went over there, made up the futons and then played a Playstation 2 game...Hyperblocks. It was fun, and even though I had more practice than Fumihiko, he beat me!

We went to bed quite early, which was a good thing as I was falling asleep! Night night.

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