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October 6, 2002 - Sunday

Muggy, but no rain today.

Today was okay, not great, not wonderful.

The morning started late. I was supposed to get up around 9:30, but I over slept. I made breakfast and it was pretty good, at least I think so.

Then we went to the imoni party. It was quite nice and I met 2 other non-Japanese people there. I ate a bit of imoni, but not the imoni itself or the konnayku.

After the party we went to Mikawa Jusco and played coin games. It wasn't my idea, but I did have fun. I did quite well for a while before I got bored of the whole thing.

We ate dinner at the mall and then we came home and watched Tremors on DVD. It was brilliant and I loved it. Now we're watching The Truman Show, it's good, but I've already seen it.

Tomorrow, I don't know exactly what I'll do, but I'm sure I'll tell you all about it when it's over! Night-night!

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