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October 21, 2002 - Monday

Rainy and finally clearing.

A pretty good day today, actually.

I went to the apartment this morning and did all the morning stuff that I usually do. Later, I went out and bought some groceries and came back and made lunch for myself. I basically just relaxed today.

In the evening, Fumihiko came to get me and we drove home. I changed into something nicer because we were taking his mother out for dinner. Today is her birthday, so we took her to Paris Cinq. I think that she enjoyed it and I did too. She couldn't eat all of the food, so we ended up bringing it home, at least we brought home the cake, because I didn't eat mine either.

After we came back and fed the dog, Fumihiko and I went out to karaoke for an hour and a half. It was fun, and we both sang a lot of songs. Fumihiko is quite funny as he is now trying to sing a lot of English songs. He's doing okay too.

At home again we watched ER while I tried to set up my new computer. I failed miserably and now it won't even connect, which means that I made it worse! Oh well, manana!

That's it. Talk to you later.

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