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October 31, 2002 - Thursday

Clear and sunny today, but a bit cold.

A pretty good day today.

When I got to the apartment today I took a nap. A long one, and I didn't want to wake up. I was so tired. I think I'm going into hibernation mode.

I cooked breakfast and lunch for myself and then went to work. Work was fine today. I wasn't very busy, but I did all my month end paperwork and prepared for today's and some of tomorrow's classes so that was good.

After work my husband picked me up. He's not feeling too well, the poor thing. I worry about him. He took me out for dinner to M's Dining and we both had steak. I had steak and chicken, he had steak and hamburger.

We came home, where we were surprised to see that he'd left the lights on in our room. When I got up here, I discovered that he'd also left the TV on too! Silly guy. I guess he really isn't feeling well.

Nothing much happened today. It's a shame really. It seems like my life is quite boring right now. Oh well.

Happy Halloween to all of you!

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