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September 6, 2002 - Friday

Muggy then finally rain.

I had an okay day. Not great, but it ended okay.

At the apartment this morning I took a shower and did my laundry. Then I left for work.

I didn't have a busy day, one student didn't show up and others were late so things worked out okay. I did get a new student though, but I haven't met him yet so I'm not sure if that will go okay or not.

After work I came home with Fumihiko and ate supper. It was fish and to be honest, as soon as I saw it, I lost my appetite. Seeing a couple of whole fish on my plate kind of made me want to vomit. I didn't, but I could only eat one of them.

And, our water heater is still out so I have to go to the apartment tomorrow morning to take a shower. Lovely!

I'm so glad that it is Saturday tomorrow. I'll be busy, but then I get a break. Hurray.

I've been doing something weird lately. I've been biting my tongue. I don't mean when I'm eating, that sharp painful bite, but all the time...with my back teeth. My tongue really hurts, it's a bit like it's bruised or something. I'm not sure why I'm doing that, maybe tension? Anyway, I wish that I would stop it.

And on that painful note I'll bid you all adieu for tonight.

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