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September 7, 2002 - Saturday

A bit muggy today, but not much rain.

What a great day today.

I got up this morning a little later than I wanted to, but it was okay. We went to the apartment where I took a hot shower and made some coffee. Then Fumihiko suggested that we go out for breakfast so we did. We went to the restaurant around the corner from my school and we found out that it's going to close soon. That's very sad.

Work was good today. I was very busy, but every student came. That's great. I had the equivalent of 7 classes, which meant I didn't have a lot of time to do other things. Oh well.

After work, Fumihiko picked me up and we went home to eat supper. I was happy to see that my Cosmo arrived today too. Yay!

I suggested that we go out after supper, so after we did the dishes, we went out to karaoke.

We went to the place with a lot of country songs and I sang a bunch of them. I also sang The Archies - Sugar, Sugar, plus Mary Chapin Carpenter's Down at the Twist and Shout and Passionate Kisses. As I was in an eclectic mood I sang Auld Lang Syne. I also did some Anne Murray! It was fun.

We came home and now Fumihiko is taking a bath. I don't know how warm it will be, but I hope it will help his back. He's having big problems again.

And that's it. Even though I was very busy at work, it was good. And, after work was even better!

Night night.

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