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September 20, 2002 - Friday

Warm and sunny, but cooling off at night.

A pretty good day today. I watched a lot of TV this morning and enjoyed it tremendously. I also did my usual laundry and cooked breakfast. Yum.

Work was fine today. I had 5 classes. They seemed to go well, but I do worry about attendance for some people.

After work I did a touch of paperwork, luckily most of it got done during the day, and then left with Fumihiko. We made a couple of stops, one to the apartment to pick up some of my clean clothes and the other to a grocery store for breakfast. Yes, I may actually get up and cook my husband breakfast, although I'm a bit nervous about the whole thing. I cook so rarely for other people that I get all nervous and then I start shouting and it's just not a pretty sight.

Anyway we had to drive around Tsuruoka until we found an open grocery store. I knew the only one open was near my old apartment, but Fumihiko didn't seem to believe me! Ha! I know these things.

We came home, ate his mother's barely edible supper (truth be known, I didn't eat very much of it) and watched ER. It was a nice night really, except for the food.

Night night!

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