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September 27, 2002 - Friday

Sunny and warm today.

I had a pretty easy day back at work today. Two of my classes didn't show up. In one class both students told me they couldn't come, so that was okay, but what happened to the other class? I dunno.

In the morning at the apartment I was quite busy. I did my laundry and watched some TV from Canada. I also cooked my breakfast and part of my lunch. Yum. Breakfast was cheese omelet with bacon again. Yum yum yum. The part of lunch that I cooked was two pork chops. I cooked and sliced them and put them in a container to take to work.

After work, Fumihiko took me to M's Dining for supper. I had chicken and steak, which was very nice. I really enjoyed them. We had quite a serious chat at the restaurant, but in a light way. Then we came home.

Tomorrow I have more classes. I half hope some don't show up!!! I don't want to talk too much. My throat is still sore.

I couldn't post my entry last night as I couldn't get my modem to work. It's very tetchy these days, and only works when it wants to . Sigh.

Night night.

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