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September 28, 2002 - Saturday

Rainy day.

A pretty good day. I woke up at a quarter to eight and woke Fumihiko in a panic. I thought he had to work today! I realized as he looked at me in amusement that it was Saturday and he didn't work! I went back to sleep for another hour or so. More so now that I think about it.

When we got up we went to a gyudon shop for breakfast. I had salmon and gyudon and miso soup. I didn't have any rice so the staff thought I was crazy.

Work was fine. I was a bit busy, but one of my classes didn't show up. The student had a cold too. I think that classes went quite well and most students enjoyed themselves.

After work Fumihiko picked me up and drove me home. We ate supper and watched Pretty Woman, at least the end of it. We did the dishes and then came upstairs. He's down taking his bath.

I hope tomorrow is good too! Night night!

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