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September 29, 2002 - Sunday

Drizzly and a bit cold, on and off.

A mostly good day.

I slept in today and was really surprised when I realized that it was late. Fumihiko and I decided to go out for lunch, but first I did some email writing first. We went out and had yakiniku in a nearby restaurant. It was nice.

We drove to the mall and checked out the movie times. Signs was playing at 4:10 so we did a bit of shopping and then went to see it. I really loved it. I thought it was an interesting idea.

After the movie we bought a few groceries for me for the apartment next week and then we drove to Sakata. The mall was getting me down because it was too crowded. Bleck. When we got there Fumihiko asked me to go to Amarume with him to a steak restaurant.Of course I said yes, and we went. We had a great supper.

After supper I noticed that he wasn't looking too good and he told me that he felt sick and just wanted to come home and sleep. We came home, via the apartment to drop off my food. At the house we noticed that a big box had arrived. It was his anniversary present from me. A big globe, and it is cool. We set it up in the bedroom and it looks great. Like it always was there. He loves it.

However, he's now in bed sleeping. The poor thing. He has a long day at work tomorrow and I'm a bit worried about him. Hope he feels better then.

Night night.

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