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April 3, 2003 - Thursday

April 3, 2003 - Thursday

A lovely warmish, sunny day.

A busy day, but good! I was supposed to have 6 classes today, but one cancelled, so I wasn't as busy as I thought I'd be. Still, I did scramble a bit in the morning to get things prepared! I made it, luckily. I got classes for tomorrow morning ready too. That was nice.

In the morning at the apartment I went out and got my bike. I'd left it at the school last night. I rode it to the apartment and then I went for a walk with the remaining time. It felt good to be out in the sun.

I left work tonight before everyone else, and rode my bike to the apartment. Fumihiko got there about the same time and he brought me home and we ate dinner. Tonight it was yakiniku with miso soup, salad and sashimi. Yum.

I also received a box from my sister and it was full of treasures! I got some drawings and a note from Katie. I think at this moment she's leaning towards the Picassoesque school of drawings. Also, some diet bars, nylons and a pair of pants. Hurray. In the bottom of the box there were some photocopies of my mother's and my grandparent's important documents. Things like birth certificates, marriage certificates and the like. Yay. That'll be a big help when I want to trace my family tree.

Fumihiko's off taking his shower and I'm about ready for bed. I'm really tired, again! Still, today was much better than I thought it would be. I hope tomorrow is too, I'm not really looking forward to it! Night night.

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