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April 4, 2003 - Friday

April 4, 2003 - Friday

A bit cloudy but the weather was still okay.

Another busy day at work. It wasn't too bad though as I had prepared for it. I had five lessons plus a telephone meeting. That by itself isn't too bad, but I had the meeting and 3 lessons all back to back. So, in the daytime I was hustling and in the evening I wasn't busy! Oh well. I did get all of my lessons for tomorrow planned.

When I came home tonight we set up for dinner in the living room. When I was just getting ready to sit down and eat, I noticed something strange. It was raining in the living room. I was getting rained on. My cushion was already wet and so was the tatami a bit. Fumihiko said it was probably coming in from outside and not to worry too much about it. He got a bucket and put it under the drip. He had actually sat down and was ready to eat when I noticed a second place where water was dripping. Oh my. He went upstairs and discovered that his old hot water bottle was leaking onto the floor. In turn, it was leaking through the floor and into the living room. Poor us! He brought down the bag and emptied it. I guess he won't use that one again!

After dinner we came upstairs. I played a cd that I had made to check the quality. I'll have to take a shower soon as I have to work tomorrow. Sigh.

Oh, I might not update tomorrow as I might be going out with my date! We may stay at the apartment. In any case, have a good night!

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