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April 6, 2003 - Sunday

April 6, 2003 - Sunday

Sunny day, a little cool.

I had a late start today. We got back to the apartment quite early, around 12:30 last night, and Fumihiko went to bed after a cup of coffee. I stayed up for a couple of hours playing The Bouncer. It was a lot of fun and I got quite far in the game. This morning I think Fumihiko slept straight through until almost noon!

We finally got up and went to Amarume for lunch. There is a French steak restaurant there that we go to sometimes. We had just sat down and ordered, when two of my co-workers walked in! It was really surprising to see them. We invited them to come and sit with us. We had a nice meal and a bit of nice talk.

After lunch Fumihiko and I went to Mikawa mall to see if there were any movies that we wanted to see. Daredevil had just started and the next show wasn't until 7 pm, so we decided to go in right away. It was good. I enjoyed it, but I feel that there was something missing from the film. Colin Farrell was the only one who really seemed to be enjoying himself as Bullseye. I think this might be a good warm-up and the next film will be better, if there is a next film!

After the movie we drove to Sakata to look at the dock. Fumihiko was wondering if anyone was fishing yet. The answer is no, they weren't! I hope that we can go fishing soon as I want to try out my new fishing rod.

We went for dinner to Edoichi, which I think was a total mistake. I felt a little sick before I went there, and now I feel quite a lot sick. Bleck. I wish Fumihiko would stop trying to go there. I want him to enjoy eating out and not feel that my diet is depriving him, but it feels a little icky to go there now. Plus, we always eat too much. I don't eat bad things for my diet, but I do overeat.

We came home and I wrapped my presents for two of my friends. It's nice to send my friends little things from time to time! Plus it's their birthday's soon! While I was doing that I watched Michael Caine on The Actor's Studio and then Fumihiko played his tape of Back to the Future. It cut off at the end of the movie, just after Marty made the leap back into the future. Fumihiko is trying to tell me that that is the end of the movie, but I'm not having any of it. I know my movies and there is a good ten more minutes left!

It's nearly time for bed now. I'm getting a bit tired and I need all the beauty sleep I can get! Good night!

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