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April 7, 2003 - Monday

April 7, 2003 - Monday

Sunny and warm day. Quite nice.

I drank 3 glasses of iced coffee last night at the restaurant. As a result, I tossed and turned lot during the night. I didn't sleep too much though! Between the caffeine and my sore stomach, I wasn't feeling too well.

This morning I went to the apartment but I didn't go walking. I just didn't feel up to it. I did take out my garbage and tried to do a few things around the apartment, especially read! Okay, not exactly important, but it was to me. I also took a shower and cooked brunch.

In the afternoon I went out and paid my water bill, mailed off my packages and went shopping. I was looking for a purse to take to Taeko's wedding, but that's hard to find. I went into one shop and the lady didn't speak any English at all. I couldn't get her to understand that I wanted it for a wedding, and I didn't want it in black. I also went into Hard Off on the off chance that there was a DVD or video that I wanted there. There wasn't.

I wandered around S-Mall, and found a purse that "might do" but I didn't buy it. I didn't want to spend that much money when I wasn't sure about it yet. I looked at shoes, didn't get any, and then went to buy groceries. After that I went back to the apartment.

Later Fumihiko and I went out for dinner. We went to a new place, Hyakkenbori. It was new to us at least. The food was really good, and really interesting. We had chicken shabu-shabu in soy milk, which later became our tofu. We had carpacchio, fish, and a type of pork stew. It was great.

After dinner we went for a drive by the sea. I think it was nice, but I fell asleep! I don't know why, but I couldn't wake up at all. I didn't wake up until I got home. Even then, I didn't really wake up!

I'm watching ER as I write this, and it's a humdinger! I wish that all of the TV was as good as ER. Anyway, I'm done for this evening. I had a good day and now I'm a touch tired and sleepy. I may go to bed soon, or not. Night night.

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