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April 9, 2003 - Wednesday

April 9, 2003 - Wednesday

Very stormy and rainy in the morning, clearing in the evening.

I had a busy day, mostly. I couldn't go walking in the morning so I had a sleep. It was really a dumb idea, but I needed it. I got up, took a shower and cooked lunch and breakfast. Yum. Yum.

Work was fine today. I had six out of seven classes. They actually went well. The last one especially.

After work Fumihiko took me to M's Dining where we had dinner. It was really nice. We had chicken and steak. We also had the drink bar, which was nice. I treated myself to a cappucino.

We came home and now I'm watching Charmed. It's like an update of Ladyhawke tonight. It's okay, a little interesting.

Tomorrow I'm off to the apartment so I will be updating on Friday night. Don't wait up for me! Night night!

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