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April 10, 2003 - Thursday

April 10, 2003 - Thursday

Warm and sunny day. Nice one!

This morning I went for a long walk! It was nice. I walked along the riverbank before going on the rest of my walk. It stretched it out a bit and made it much more scenic.

In the morning I cooked lunch for the next two days and then breakfast. I went off to work at the usual time.

Work was fine today. My first class didn't show up, but the others were fine. In the last one we even talked about karaoke and music. That was fun.

After work, Fumihiko called me and we talked for a few minutes. He has a work party tonight so I am playing the single woman now. It's great! After we hung up I left the office and went to the grocery store. I had to be quick because it closed about 10 minutes after I got there. I bought a few things and then headed off to the apartment.

When I got there I started cooking. I had eggplant, mushrooms and pork saute. It was delicious. It took me a while to cook it, but it was great. Then, I sat down to eat with a cup of decaf coffee and watched Smallville. They've finally put it on Japanese TV. It's cool.

After I did the dishes I popped in Mel Gibson's Payback and set up my computer. I'll probably go to bed after the movie is over. It was a nice evening!

Night night!

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