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April 13, 2003 - Sunday

April 13, 2003 - Sunday

Cloudy all day, but not rainy.

I'm going to call this the day of the purses. I bought two of them. But, I'm getting ahead of myself again. Let me begin at the beginning. This morning I slept in very late. I didn't go to bed until quite late so I needed the extra sleep. My husband however, got himself up and went out to do some wrestling! His old coach called him over to the park to give a demo to some girls. Hmm! When he came back, he was covered in grass! It was pretty funny.

We had lunch in a yakiniku buffet place, not our usual one, but this one was okay. Not as big of a selection of meat, but I didn't feel like I ate too much afterwards. We were going to drive to Mikawa to look for purses, when I remembered that there was a second hand shop that I wanted to go to first. When it opened it was too busy and we couldn't get in. We went there and had a good poke around. I found lots of things that I liked, but in the clothes section I found treasure! I found a beautiful beaded purse, perfect for my new dress that I want to wear to my friend's wedding. It was only 1800 yen, and in perfect condition. In fact, at home when I took the stuffing out of it, I found a sheet of newspaper from 1969 in it! I wonder if it has ever been used?

I bought it and then we continued on our way to Mikawa. I kept looking in Mikawa for nice purses. I found one right away in a store, but I wanted to keep looking. Jusco had some okay ones, but nothing that I'd really jump for joy about. I went back to the first store and bought the little purse. It's metallic gold and has a shoulder strap. It's very cute. However, I now have a dilemna. Which purse do I wear at the wedding?
Please follow the links to my index page and then guestbook to voice your opinion!

Helen With Purses

After buying the purse we went for a drive. We wanted to see the ocean and if anyone was fishing. There were a few people here and there, but not many. We drove all the way to Nezugaseki and stopped in at a small zen garden. It was very beautiful. The main feature for Japanese people is a tree that is in the middle of the garden. It is growing along the ground. Personally, I just liked the tranquility. There was also a festival in the town so we saw many people in costumes along the way. Very interesting!zen garden

We drove back to Tsuruoka, thinking about our dinner. We discussed a few options then decided to go to the izakaya in the station. They have very good food and early in the day wouldn't be too early. We went there, and had a great meal. We had fish, chicken, pork, salad and eggplant. It was all delicious.

After dinner, we went to karaoke for an hour and a half. It wasn't my idea, actually! Fumihiko suggested it! Can you believe it? Then, we stopped at the grocery store for some cream and came home. Fumihiko made us some lovely coffee and then we talked about our Golden Week plans. (We haven't got any yet. Grr!)

Now I'm doing my homepage and soon I hope I'll go to bed. Please do let me know your opinion of the two purses, because I'm taking a survey. In case you can't tell about my dress, it's dark blue with a matching jacket with a gold pattern. That's it for me! Night night!

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