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April 14, 2003 - Monday

April 14, 2003 - Monday

Not very sunny, but not cold either. Nice day.

I had a busy day, sort of! I went for a walk this morning. I nearly didn't but I decided that I really should! It was nice. Today, as always I passed a discount pet store. I'm a little worried about what kind of animals they have there. After all, a discount store often sells seconds of things. What do animal seconds look like? I'm afraid to think about it.

I decided to go for a turn on Ginza street today. I realized when I was on the street that it has been about a year since I was there last. There are a lot of new shops and some old ones that have changed a bit. I also went into Kettle One and bought some tea and writing paper. I got my groceries on the street too. I had planned to go and see the cherry blossoms, but I decided that I should wait until Fumihiko could come too.

I went back to the apartment and started to do my laundry. I also popped in a tape that Van had sent me ages ago, but I hadn't watched it. I watched Fraser and Andromeda. Andromeda had William Katt as the guest star. That was a flashback to my youth!

Fumihiko came to the apartment around 5:30 and we had coffee. Then we went out for dinner to Kamerotei. We had some really nice yakiniku and jasmine tea. Yum yum yum. After dinner, we drove around Tsuruoka Park looking at the cherry blossoms. They aren't quite in full bloom yet, but they are starting to look nice. Too bad I'll probably miss them.

We came home and I watched Dick Tracy on TV. It was okay. I've seen it before of course, but I really liked the colour of the movie. I'm waiting for ER now, it should be on presently! That's it for me for today. Night night!

Oh, before I go, remember to vote on yesterday's fashion poll! I'm waiting for your opinion!

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