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April 22, 2003 - Tuesday

April 22, 2003 - Tuesday

Nice day, clear and warm.

I had a good day today. I didn't walk in the morning because I was busy doing laundry! Three loads of the stuff. Oh well. I also had enough food in the apartment to make breakfast, so I did that too. I also watched the preview/techie disk from my DVD of X-Men. It was really interesting.

I got to work earlier than usual and did my morning stuff. I prepared my classes but found out that one of them had cancelled, so I wasn't too busy. However, in the evening I did have four classes in a row! That was a little unusual lately, because one of them always cancels! At least recently.

Classes seemed to go quite well. A student came tonight whom I hadn't seen in about two months. It was really nice to see her again.

After work tonight I finished up and rode to the apartment. I had to drop off my eggs and pick up my laundry. Fumihiko came up and gave me a hand with the laundry and we left the apartment.

Fumihiko cooked dinner tonight. We had salad and steak. It was really nice. We also had coffee as he had bought some cream for us. After dinner we did dishes and then came upstairs. I'm planning to go to bed soon as I'm quite tired.

That's it for today. Have a good night! Adios!

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