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Sunday April 27, 2003

Sunday April 27, 2003

Gorgeous sunny day.

Yesterday we went to a party after my work, and then we stayed at the apartment. It was a fun party and we had a good time. We got back to the apartment quite late, and then slept in this morning.

I made breakfast at the apartment and then we went fishing! We drove to a port near Akita and I got to try out my new fishing rod. I caught 3 fish, all ainame. One of them was too small so we threw it back, but the others were keepers. Fumihiko caught a couple of fish too. We finished up around sunset. The sunset was glorious by the way.

We came back to Sakata and had dinner. It was good! Then we went to Jusco where I bought some vitamins. Then, we drove home. Now we're watching The Mask. It's quite cute, but of course we've seen it a few times.

Tomorrow, I'm off to the apartment, while poor Fumihiko has to work. Poor thing. Oh well.

Night night!

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