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August 4, 2003 - Monday

Rainy, rainy, rainy day.

I went to the apartment and just slept. I was so tired this morning that I set my alarm for 11 am, then woke up just before 11. I reset the alarm for one more hour and then slept right through that. It was odd. I had a dream too, it was really weird. I dreamt about Justin, my first foreign co-worker in Otaru. The thing was, we were at our company headquarters in my dream, which had magically changed to the administration building at my college. Very strange! I haven't seen or heard from Justin in over 2 years, so why would I start dreaming about him now?

When I did get up I made some coffee and did my laundry. Then it was time to leave and go to the mall. When I got there I had a burger (sans bun) at McDonalds, then did a bit of shopping. Fumihiko called me when I was looking at clothes, so I hurried off to meet him.

We met and then went for dinner. We went to Kamerotei and had yakiniku. It was great. Then, we went upstairs and I bought Fumihiko an ice cream at Baskin Robbins. The evil man had Jamoca Almond Fudge, which used to be my favourite kind! Still, I didn't grudge him it one bit.

Then we went to see Pirates of the Caribbean The Curse of the Black Pearl. It was cool. I think it was a tad too long, and Johnny Depp was in a movie by himself, totally different from the others. I did enjoy it very much!

We came home via the grocery store then apartment. I unpacked my clean clothes and got my stuff ready for the morning. Soon I hope to go to bed soon and get some more sleep. Doesn't that sound nice? YES!

Sweet dreams!

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