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August 23, 2003 - Saturday

Muggy and rainy.

Well, yesterday was really nice. The weather was even decent for a change! It was sunny on my way to work and I started singing about the sun. After work I went out with my co-workers and had a great time. We went to Benkei and ate some great food. A bit after midnight we called it a night and went to the convenience store then off in our separate ways. I went back to my apartment and watched a couple of Smallville episodes, then went to bed.

This morning I had a hard time waking up, but my dear husband called me and that motivated me to get up. I showered and made my breakfast. It was good. Then, I walked to work.

Work was good today. I had 6 classes, they all happened, and my last class had almost all of the students there. Yay! When I finished today, Fumihiko actually came on time to pick me up. That was good because when he met me for lunch he was very late!

We tried to go to a yakitori shop, but it was full. Then we tried to go to another restaurant, but it was closing. Finally I suggested a yakiniku place. We went there and ate a lot, probably too much! Still, it was good.

After that we went to karaoke for an hour. It was fun, as usual. I didn't do any new songs, just a bunch of old ones that I haven't done for a while.

And that was that! I had a good couple of days. Sorry that I missed you yesterday!

Night night.

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