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August 24, 2003 - Sunday

A semi sunny day today! It didn't rain. Wow!

An okay day today. I stayed up late reading a book. I'm not going to talk about it because it is a silly romance type novel that I don't usually read. It was quite interesting though.

Lunch today was at the Daiichi Hotel. It was quite good. A sort of beef, tomato and mushroom layer thing with the usual things to go with it. There was salad, cool soup and some bread/pasta dishes that I skipped. Afterwards we went to the car dealership to get new oil and windshield wipers.

We scouted out some places for the barbeque next week. There was only one place that we found that didn't charge for parking. I can't believe that they are still charging for parking! The beach did look quite clean today and there weren't too many people there, although there were a few people trying to surf.

We checked out the mall quickly but there wasn't anything that we really wanted to see there. We then went and spent some time and money in the amusement center. It was fun for a bit, but I lost all of my coins too easily. Sigh. Then, we left the mall. I suggested going to either the International Center or a coffee shop for something to drink. We went to the International Center for some herb tea. I drank way too much of course! It was good though. We sort of had an argument and didn't talk very much there. I don't really know what it was about though.

Then Fumihiko took me to a really cool place. I'd been complaining for a while that I couldn't find any nice jigsaw puzzles anymore. They have some nice ones here, lovely Japanese pictures and all, but I also like to do ones that are based on Art. Anyway, I found a couple that I liked so I bought them. I got frames for them too, and of course the frames cost more than the puzzles! Isn't that always the way? I'm going to have fun doing them I think. I can hardly wait.

We went and had supper at Edoichi. It was okay, but as usual, not great. We didn't talk too much although I tried to get some ideas of what to plan for our trip. I'd like to make a few plans for Sydney now. We may change our minds and all, but I'd like to at least try to have an idea of what to see and do.

We came home and I finally finished my novel. It ended the way all romance novels do, the hero loves the heroine and she's expecting. Bleck. I really don't like it when they are that predictable! Anyway, I hope to have an early night tonight as I'm a bit tired and my tummy is acting up again. Oh, you didn't need to know that did you? Didn't think so! Sorry! Night night!

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