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August 25, 2003 - Monday

Cloudy and muggy, then rain of course!

I was called by my married name for a change today! I was at the post office renewing my membership in the club I belong to and the postal clerk called out "Sato-san". I was a bit surprised, but it didn't sound as strange as I thought it would! When I got married I didn't change my name. I had planned to double barrel it but I never actually made it official. At work, I use my single name and even usually in my head too. I never planned to change my name at all, before I married a Japanese man!

Last night we went to bed early and got lots of sleep. This morning we both woke up before the alarm! Fumihiko made some coffee after the alarm went off and we gulped it down before we left. At the apartment I put the finishing touches on my first beaded banner, and started the second one. It's a lot bigger and more complicated than the first one. Still, it's going well, once I figured out how to do it. I got really tired around 10:30 and ended up dozing off. I woke up an hour later greatly refreshed. I decided to head out so that I could get some banking done.

At the bank I took out the money for our trip and paid my water bills. I managed to time it so that I paid two at once. That's nice because I don't have to worry about it for a while then! I went to the post office, got called "Sato-san" and then went to the grocery store. I bought my groceries for the week and headed off home.

When I got back to the apartment I showered, lunched and laundered! Then, I cleaned. I discovered that my kitchen area had grown a lovely crop of mould. Blech! I cleaned everything and threw away my basin and drainer. I hope it's all gone. Usually up here there isn't such a problem, even in the rainy season, but this year the season has been extended. Still, it's all done now. Hurray!

Fumihiko came to visit after he finished work and admired my beadwork. We drank some tea or coffee and then we went out to a restaurant. We went to LaChance. It was really nice tonight. Usually it's quiet, but tonight it was quite busy. Fumihiko had fish and I had pork. Everything was good, but tonight the service was a little slow. Still, we enjoyed our meals.

After we left the restaurant I noticed that we had a hitchhiker! A frog had jumped onto the door of the car. I hoped that I knocked it off when I closed my door. But.... halfway home it jumped onto my window, then ended up jumping all the way across the hood of the car. I think it jumped off somewhere. I hope it's okay.

And that's about it for the day. It was pretty good actually. I hope tomorrow is too!

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