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Friday August 29, 2003

Cloudy, rainy, sunny, cloudy and rainy again!

I was pretty tired again today. I think it's a combo of late nights and hot weather. I'm not good when the weather is hot.

I did do a lot at the apartment today though. I did laundry, watched Smallville, read a bit of Harry Potter and did a beading line. I even cooked breakfast, but not lunch!

I wasn't too busy today at work. So I got a lot done. I prepped everything for today and tomorrow, then I even did my monthend paperwork and when I finished that I worked on a new idea for lobby decorations. I love days like this when I can do the stuff I keep putting off!

After work Fumihiko met me at the apartment and took me to M's Dining. It was okay. I resisted the temptation to have some coffee as it just keeps me awake. He promised to make me some at home, some decaf, so I let him bring me home!

I just got my coffee and it was great. Definitely worth waiting for. Now I'm just chilling out and waiting to take my shower. That was my day. Kind of dull I guess, but nice.

Gotta go.....on the morrow gentle souls!

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