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February 2, 2003 - Sunday

February 2, 2003 - Sunday

Sunny and not too cold, except early on.

Yesterday didn't really end for me! We had a party after work for Hitomi and then went to karaoke. I finally got to sing "It's Raining Men" by The Weather Girls. What a hoot! It was 4:30 am before we went to the apartment, and I had to meet someone at 10 am. I tried to sleep but it was too cold and I couldn't. I finally got up and turned on the heater. I finally dozed off, but then the heater beeped to say that it needed fresh air. Which it already had because I opened the window before I turned it on. Stupid thing! When my alarm went off at 9 am I was groggy and not very awake. I finally got up around 9:20 and got dressed.

We drove to Gusto and a few minutes before 10 met Beth. She's a woman I've met on-line, and like me she's doing the Atkins diet and is married to a Japanese man. So, we have a bit in common. She told us about the Space Shuttle Columbia explosion. I still haven't found out very much about that one. We went into the restaurant and had breakfast and chatted. It was nice to meet another person with some of the same things going on as with me.

After breakfast/lunch, Fumihiko and I drove back to the apartment to take a nap. I was exhausted. We slept and around 4 decided to go out for dinner. We went to ....Edoichi of course. We were both really hungry and need large amounts of protein!

Dinner was good, and then we went back to the apartment and watched a movie....Jumpin' Jack Flash. It is still one of my favourite films, even though the computer scenes are out of date! I just love it. I think everything fits together so well and every time I see it I notice something new. After 9:30 we decided to go home.

We arrived home and I put my pictures from my camera into the computer. I deleted some of them because they were terrible, but some of them I kept! In a little while I'm going to go to bed and I have to get up early in the am because Fumihiko has to too. Poor thing.

Oh, I forgot to tell you...Fumihiko made some changes to the apartment for me! He took a bookcase and some shelves over and now I have more furniture. He also cleaned. I swear, I was planning to do that tomorrow, but he beat me too it. I felt really guilty because he did such a good job. I was also a little angry too because it's MY apartment after all. However, I am not good at tidying up. To make up a bit for it when I came home tonight I actually tidied up a few of my things at the house. It's not the same, but maybe Fumihiko will appreciate it!

Anyway, I have to go. Have a good day and I hope to talk to you tomorrow night. A bientot!

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