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Friday, January 31, 2003

Friday, January 31, 2003

A little warmer, but there is still tons of snow everywhere.

A pretty good day, with a slightly sad ending.

I went to the apartment this morning and finished my book. I've been reading a Marion Keyes book that my friend sent me and I really enjoyed it. I also made breakfast and did laundry. I didn't make lunch today because I forgot to take something out of the freezer yesterday.

At work I didn't have a lot of classes so I did some paperwork and some prepwork for tomorrow and next week. We had planned to go out after school to go to karaoke, but we couldn't because two of our group couldn't come. I was really disappointed.

Fumihiko brought me home, not out to karaoke like I wanted. Oh well. We had supper, which at first didn't look too good, but actually was. We came upstairs and talked for a while and then Fumihiko started up Wayne's World again. It's so funny, but I don't know if he gets the jokes or not.

Anyway, tomorrow I'm off to work again, but I've been promised dinner and karaoke tomorrow night! Hurray. I hope it happens.

Gotta go. Night night!

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