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February 3, 2002 - Sunday 7:00pm

Last night was my party and so Fumihiko and I stayed at the apartment afterwards, so I wasn't able to write. Sorry. And, more bad news! I won't be here tomorrow night either so don't wait up for me.

Yesterday was fair to middlin' busy. I had the equivalent of 6 classes. They seemed to go fairly well.

For breakfast Fumihiko and I went out to a gyudon restaurant. It was okay. I paid because I knew that it would take him 5 minutes to walk to the car. His back was that bad.

After work he joined us at the school and he seemed a bit better. He'd gone and had acupuncture and it seemed to have helped.

We had the party down at Shimi's restaurant. I did very well for presents. I got cake and Japanese cakes and flowers from Shimi and Fumihiko. I also got a pencil case from a friend. Earlier in the day I had received a photo frame and a toy hamster from students.

The party was fun and about 18 people joined us at various times. We ate fried chicken and chips, squid and finally a type of sushi. It was all quite nice.

Fumihiko and I walked to my apartment afterwards and watched a bit of Roger Rabbit on DVD. However, he fell asleep on it, so I stopped the movie and sent him to bed. I followed soon after.

This morning we slept in quite late. That was a nice change.

Then we got up and I planned to make pasta. The only think was....I didn't have any pasta! So, I made chicken noodle soup instead from a mix I bought in Otaru. It was terrible! There was way, way too much salt in it. I felt really bad. I had thought it would be a nice brunch item, but it was awful.

So, Fumihiko offered to take me out for lunch to Amarume. We drove there to the little French restaurant that he knows and we had their lunch special. It was nice, except I still found everything salty. Their soup and my steak sauce tasted like someone had upended the salt shaker into it!

He suggested that we go to Sakata afterwards to look at antiques. I thought that it sounded like a good idea, so off we drove. At the department store we found the section with the antiques and had a good snoop round. Fumihiko was interested in swords and I was looking at the dolls, yukata and jewellry, although I had no intention of buying anything. After our snoop, I went to the Japanese section of the store and bought a couple of dolls. I bought some like them a couple of years ago and I wanted to have these to match too.

Then we drove home via Mikawa Jusco. Fumihiko wanted to check the movies and I wanted to check and see if they had any men's dressing gowns. I'd really like one to wear around the house. It's a long way downstairs when I have to make a trip to the loo, so I'd like to have something warm on. They didn't have any. The only movie that looked a bit interesting was Ocean's Eleven, but I'm not sure if we'll go or not.

At home I brought all my stuff in myself, which was not easy, and then went upstairs. I wanted to be alone, but of course, wasn't allowed to be. Then we had supper. Now Fumihiko is sleeping and I'm quite sure that we won't be going out again.

Fumihiko's back is still painful although he keeps insisting that it isn't. It hurts me to see him walk. He looks like an old man. And my back is hurting a bit as well. It's not as bad as it was, but it isn't that good either.

Anyway, I'm off to do whatever tonight and then off to an onsen tomorrow.

Don't wait for me, and try not to miss me too much!

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